VIP Guest Dance
All SPES students are welcome to bring their VIP Guest adult and join us on Friday, February 28th from 7-9pm for a Luau! Advanced registration is required and is open now through the 21st. Read below for important event information.
The SPES VIP Luau will be held from 7-9pm in the SPES Gymnasium and will be open to ALL SPES students. The Luau will be an exciting evening for the students and their chaperones. In addition to snacks and drinks, we will have a DJ, a photobooth, and some quieter activities. We are also excited to present a live hula demonstration and dance lesson by native Hawaiians!!!!
All SPES students are invited to attend and bring with them a trusted VIP adult. Unfortunately, our gymnasium has a maximum capacity enforced by the Fire Marshall. With nearly 400 students enrolled in our school, we can only allow one adult per family to attend in order to ensure we do not exceed allowed capacity in our gymnasium. What this means is that any family with more than one student enrolled in SPES should only send one trusted adult to the dance with their children. We also cannot allow any younger or older siblings not currently enrolled in SPES to attend the dance. To ensure we do not exceed our capacity restrictions, RSVPs for the dance will be required this year. Please RSVP no later than February 21st so we can have an accurate guest count.
We MUST have parent volunteers to be able to hold this event. With more students expected at this year’s dance than we have had in previous years, we truly need your support and time to make this event a safe and special night. Most time slots are only for one hour. Please register to VOLUNTEER at no later than February 21st:
This event is FREE to attendees because the PTO provides funds to support it. In order to provide an amazing experience for our students, we appreciate your donations of snacks and drinks for the event. Please visit our Amazon Wishlist to purchase for items needed for the dance.