The SPES PTO Needs You!
The PTO is proud to offer many fun and enriching programs for our students, but they can't exist without volunteers. Please see below for a current list of opportunities, click the links to find out more, and consider volunteering today!
SPES Variety Show: Sign up starting Wednesday, March 5th at 7pm!
Bobcat Book Club: Sign up HERE to help our 4th & 5th graders expand their love of learning on Friday mornings and Tuesdays during lunch!
Chessie: Sign up HERE to help our K-3rd graders gain confidence in their reading skills Monday-Thursday mornings.
EEP Club Volunteers: Click on the links below to sign up to help with these after-school clubs.
Committee Lead positions are available! Open positions can be found at
Join a committee today! Fill out our Volunteer Interest Form found HERE and the lead will be in touch.
Green School Research Committee: Click HERE to help SPES become a Maryland Green School.
Please note 2 important reminders about volunteering:
1) Only individuals who have completed the AACPS Commercial Background Check are permitted to volunteer in the school. If needed, please complete your background check HERE or contact the school's front office to verify your status.
2) The PTO organizes and presents volunteer opportunities in a centralized location here within our Membership Toolkit site. Registration for a Membership Toolkit account is FREE (you do not have to be a PTO member, but it is appreciated!) and allows you to consolidate all your sign-ups and reminders in one place. We also provide the option of signing-up as a guest without an account of any kind. We are grateful for your support in any manner that makes you most comfortable!